National Conservative is conducting the largest and most comprehensive study into interracial homicides that has ever been done. This project has now been upgraded. All the data will be stored in a highly searchable database and will include pictures.

Below is data we have added beginning on December 1st. To see all data from 2023, click here.

To submit a homicide for inclusion, click here.

Search Interracial Homicides


Richard Yarborough, 69

  February 19, 2024 – Richard Yarborough, 69, Fayetteville, North Carolina – Black on White – Neighbor 


Terrorist style rampage. One killed, one injured, home burned down. Suspect charged with first degree murder, attempted murder, intent to terrorize.

The victim is the suspect landlord.



Matias Matthew Bagby, 45



Note: Suspects are not legally considered guilty until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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View charts for individual months: Dec/23, Jan/24

2024 Interracial homicide charts:

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3 months ago

One of the most shocking crimes I’ve ever seen. Seattle’s diversity-enriched apartment complexes are killing fields at worst, drug / prostitution dens at best. Video:

The savage chases the small, frail, terrified Decoteau outside, then coldly shoots her in the back twice as she cowers. Then the savage kicks her in the face and shouts “Bitch, you dead!” repeatedly, before loudly proclaiming to anyone or any recording device in earshot that Decoteau tried to kill her and “is crazy.” Black amorality in a nutshell: Bullying, killing, taunting, & then lying / framing, all in a few seconds. It’s as effortless as breathing to these people. If this is how they treat their “friends,” how do they treat their enemies?

3 months ago

hes latino