In the early morning hours of April 27th, around four hundred economic migrants marched out of Tapachula. Hours later, they were surrounded by Mexican immigration authorities and loaded into vans.
Economic migrants are now rioting in Tapachula and blocking traffic on public streets. They demand that the Mexican government immediately provide them with documents that allow them to travel to the US border freely.
Tapachula is a Mexican city near the Guatemalan border. The United Nations and non-profits have transformed the city into a giant staging ground for people hoping to enter the United States illegally. Economic migrants come to Tapachula from all over the world. Open border non-profits instruct them to apply for asylum in Mexico first before attempting to move on to the US border. This way, it is harder for the Mexican government to deport them back to their country of origin. Once they reach Tapachula, the United Nations International Organization for Migrants [UNIOM] starts funding the rest of their journey.
According to Spain’s RTVE Noticias, 70% of all asylum requests in Mexico are being filed in Tapachula. Today, they called the city a “pressure cooker” with outbursts of violence.
Western non-profits, with offices in Tapachula, include David Miliband’s International Rescue Committee. This group uses the deceptive acronym IRC, which causes people to confuse it with the Red Cross. While the group is based in NYC, David Miliband is a far-left British politician who served as a member of the British parliament for the Labour party. He advocates open borders.
The British/Australian charity Misiòn México Foundation also has an office in Tapachula. Once they successfully cross the US border, other non-profits like Catholic Charities provide them with direct support.
Report from Spanish Public Television. They say the city is now a “pressure cooker.”