Dr. Carrie Bourassa, who goes by “Morning Star Bear,” has been fired from her government job and her professorship at the University of Saskatchewan.
Bourassa is a descendant of Slavic immigrants. However, she falsely claimed to be related to multiple Canadian Indian tribes.
In 2019, Bourassa gave a TEDx Talk in full Indian costume and claimed that she was raised in an Indian family that suffered from “addiction, violence, and racism.” However, Geoff Leo of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation exposed her as a fraud. This led to the University of Saskatchewan hiring someone to investigate her family tree.
The controversy played out for nearly a month ending with Bourassa being fired from both jobs.
Bourassa is just the latest example of a White person who was making a lucrative career by pretending to be a member of a different race. Both her lucrative government job and her positive at the University of Saskatchewan were supposed to be set aside expressly for Canadian Indians. Her story mirrors US Congressman Elizabeth Warren, who made millions at Harvard by falsely claiming to be an American Indian.
People like are devastating to the far-left narrative of “White Privilege.”