Christopher Allen Hamner, a 51 year racially mixed man, has been charged with a felony hate crime and two misdemeanor hate crimes in Seattle. Hamner describes himself as having both Black and White ancestry on Twitter. He is a social justice activist that lives in SeaTac, Washington.
Police say he harassed and threatened Asian women and children on at least two different occasions. His bail was set at $75k.
On March 16th, he allegedly yelled racial abuse and threatened Pamela Cole, while she was in her car with her small children:
We were driving down Graham St. heading to Chatime on MLK. As we were coming down Graham to make a left on MLK, I noticed a black car stopped in the middle of the street going the other direction. At first I thought the car had broken down as the man had his car door opened. After managing to close it, he drove off and I thought nothing more of it. That was until I noticed that he had circled back around but this time when his car met mine, (which was stopped at the light the entire time) he stopped his car, opened his door and started screaming, “F**k you, you Asian b**ch, f**k you!” Then, the next thing I know he pulls into the Speed-E-Mart parking lot, jumped out of his car and came charging at me. When he reached the middle of the street in front of my window he started punching his fist together and telling me to, “Get out, get out!” The kids and I were in utter shock and confusion cause we just couldn’t understand why he was targeting us especially since we hadn’t had any interactions with the man.
Thank GOD the light finally changed and I was able to drive off but not before he started throwing things at us as he continued to watch me drive off… watching where we were heading.
Two days later, on March 19th, he apparently did the same thing to two Asian women, who were in their car. One of them is Jenny Wong:
Today, my friend and I had a terrifying encounter with a racist man in Beacon Hill, right next to Fou Lee Market. In the dash cam footage, you’ll notice he was originally behind my friend and I in traffic and drove right past us even though the truck was in the way of the lane next to us. After that, he made eye contact with us and made his first move. He swerved into our lane and brake checked us. Luckily we didn’t hit his car but he opened his car door and shouted “F**k you Asians!” After recognizing his face, my friend immediately took a turn into the parking lot next to us. This was when I started recording. When he saw my camera, he charged at us. This is the same man from MLK who racially attacked another women. Our stories are exactly the same and it seems like he’s targeting young Asian women since the cars around us also had Asian people in them (considering that we’re next to 2 Asian markets).
Hamner is an active participant of the Black Lives Matter movement and uses Twitter to push left-wing causes and attack Trump supporters. Ironically, he has multiple tweets that falsely accuse White people of targeting Asians for hate crimes.
Hamner posted a violent threat against Rand Paul on Twitter last February, but the social media platform took no action against his account.

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The whole “Stop Asian Hate” narrative has actually blown up in the media’s face because shining a spotlight on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes has revealed that 95% of those types of crimes are Black on Asian.