The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [BMGF] has given over $300 million in grants to media outlets, journalist associations, media-run charities, and institutions that “educate” the people being hired by the “mainstream” media.
BMGF has given over $166 million directly to left-wing media outlets. The largest recipients are NPR with $24.7 million and The Guardian with $12.9 million.
Another $97.3 million was given in grants to fund specific media projects. This money went to a wide variety of organizations, schools, and media outlets around the world. The includes $20.1 million for the European Journalism Centre and $12.1 million for the World University Service of Canada.
Further, BMGF has given $63 million to “charities” operated by BBC, MTV, and the New York Times.
Another $38 million went to journalism centers, with The International Center for Journalists receiving $20.4 million. About $12 million was given to journalism associations, and $5.8 million was given to journalism schools.
These amounts do not include large numbers of small grants, so the actual figure is much higher.
MintPressNews explains that Bill Gates is funding the media and acting as a powerful international media gatekeeper while keeping a low profile. Most people do not associate Bill Gates with the press. Compare this to Jeff Bezos, who purchased the Washington Post Company for $250 million. This included the Washington Post newspaper, websites, numerous smaller publications and websites, and substantial real estate assets.
Bezos has spent less money on the media than Bill Gates but has a much higher media profile. Bezos now openly runs one of America’s most prominent media outlets.
It is interesting to note that The Guardian, which has received almost $13 million in direct funding, refers to Bill Gates as “Saint Gates.”
Note: Jeff Bezo’s owned Washington Post is ranked as the #101 largest website in America by SimilarWeb and #82 by Alexa (owned by Amazon). These scores have been falling. However, the Washington Post massively purchases traffic from Google using multitudes of sponsored keywords. This type of traffic is of very low quality. We maintain that the actual influence of the Washington Post is wildly exaggerated.