Baton Rouge “Summer of Hope” kick-off party ruined by mob violence

Kickoff event ruined by mob violence

The city of Baton Rouge is planning dozens of events specifically aimed at preventing young Blacks from engaging in criminal violence.

However, the kickoff party was ruined by criminal violence. The event took place on Monday, May 27th, at Liberty Lagoon.

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10 months ago

And they wonder why that S.E. suburb just said “See ya! We’re gonna stay over here in civilization.”

C. ex-NOLA
9 months ago

B.R. will soon be the violent crime capital, or even homicide capital, of America, hence why its black law(un)makers are panicking over losing Whitey. It edged out New Orleans a few years ago in homicide rate (#7 vs. #8), but NOLA felt slighted by this and regained the crown the following year (#1 in America).

The MesoAmericans are arriving to fill the void left when law-abiding Whites formed the new city of St. George:
This proves that Latinos fear Whites, not blacks. We saw how effortlessly they kicked blacks out of Compton and took it over. (Before Compton was black, it was White; the Bushes once lived there.)