UPDATE: The official 2022 homicide total from the Portland police is 97, giving the city a homicide rate of 15.1 per 100k.
In 1987, there was a wild spike in homicides in Portland. The city experienced 66, for a rate of 14.7 per 100k.
There was another smaller spike in 1993, however, homicide rates generally were on the decline for decades. In 2013, the city had the lowest homicide rate since it started keeping detailed records in 1971.
For the first five months of 2020, there were only five homicides! Then the BLM and Antifa riots started at the end of May. There were six homicides in June. City officials allowed BLM and Antifa to stage violent riots practically non-stop until the end of the year. A new radical “progressive” prosecutor, Mike Schmidt, took power in August 2020. He immediately began wreaking havoc by refusing to prosecute people charged with crimes.
For the second half of 2020, there were forty-six homicides which was a 318% increase over the first half. The reasons were obvious.
This wildly elevated homicide rate continued in 2021 and worsened in 2022.
Note: Before August 2019, Portland counted negligent vehicular homicide as part of their overall homicide count. This means the homicide counts for 2019 and earlier could be lower if the new rules were applied retroactively.
1971: 15 (384k, 3.9 per 100k)
1987: 66 (450k, 14.7 per 100k)
1993: 54 (498k, 10.8 per 100k)
2012: 25 (605K, 4.1 per 100k)
2013: 16 (610k, 2.6 per 100k)
2014: 26 (621k, 4.2 per 100k)
2019: 35 (654k, 5.4 per 100k)
2020: 57 (653k, 9.0 per 100k)
2021: 88* (641k, 13.7 per 100k)
2022: 96 so far… 15.0 per 100k
* Some Portland media are now reporting that there were 90 or 92 homicides in 2021. The official number from the police and state data is 88. We have found the media in Portland to be very sloppy in the homicide numbers they report. Also, some media in the area includes certain justifiable self-defense shootings as homicides to suit certain political narratives.
Oregon State Homicides:
1987: 153 (2,724k, 5.6 per 100k)
2013: 82 (3,928, 2.1 per 100k)
2019: 116 (4,216k, 2.8 per 100k)
2020: 125 (4,242k, 2.9 per 100k
2021: 178 (4,246k, 4.2 per 100k)
Percentage of Oregon homicides occurring in Portland:
1987: 43.1%
2013: 19.5%
2019: 30.2%
2020: 45.6%
2021: 49.3%