Year: 2022

Flashback: Lindsey Graham warmongering in Ukraine’s Donbas region on New Year’s Eve 2016
Watch the video clip and judge for yourself. Does it look like Lindsey Graham and John McCain were pushing Ukraine to be aggressive with Russia? Does it look like they are making false promises that […]

The role of envy in racial conflicts
Dr. F. Roger Devlin gives a fascinating account of the role of envy in race relations, detailing societies in which envy plays a powerful role. Dr. Devlin notes that envious groups can “embrace even failure […]

Save Ukraine – Negotiate a peace where both sides can declare victory
The most pragmatic approach to peace negotiations would be to create terms in which both sides can declare victory and neither side is humiliated.

Trial canceled in shooting of England’s BLM leader because witnesses refuse to snitch
Sasha Johnson was critically injured and nearly died on May 23rd, 2021, when she was shot in a Southwark Borough neighborhood of London. She was attending a house party when four Black males opened fire on […]

Tim Pool “Swatted” for the fifth time
The far-left is trying to get Tim Pool kicked off of social media. He is a moderate liberal who used to work for VICE. He has come under fire from the extreme left for opposing […]

Daily Mail: We interrupt our war news to remind you that Ukrainians are evil racist White people
UK Daily Mail couldn’t just let war coverage dominate the news without using the war to manufacture sensationalistic and far-fetched claims of “racism.” No matter what happens. No matter where it is. The “mainstream” Western […]

Select commentary on the war in Ukraine
The first casualty of war is truth. pic.twitter.com/S2hZoDE3t1 — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 28, 2022