Year: 2022

Middle Eastern “clan” has shootout with Hells Angels and then riots in German suburb
The city of Duisburg is in the Ruhr Valley in North-Rhine Westphalia. Wednesday evening, there was some kind of confrontation between one or more “Turkic-Arab clans” and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Between fifteen and […]

Fourth police officer from Baton Rouge BLM mass shooting dies after battling injuries for years
On July 17, 2016, Gavin Long ambushed and shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, LA. Three of them died right away. The shooter lived in Kansas City, MO, but traveled to Baton Rouge because […]

NYPD releases video of another hate crime assault against an elderly Asian woman
The NYPD just released this video of an assault on a 68 year old Asian female. The perpetrator is a young Black male. New York City seems to be experiencing an endless stream of hate […]

Caught on video: Smoke Shop employee fights off four armed thugs in brutal gun battle
The Los Angeles police department has released surveillance video of an insane shootout inside a “smoke shop.” Four murderous thugs attempted to rob an employee at gunpoint. Even though the employee was wearing a kevlar […]

News Director / Anchorman for New York NBC affiliate caught in sex predator sting
Zack Wheeler is the recently fired anchorman and News Director for WETM Channel 18. This is the Elmira, New York NBC affiliate. He was fired after being caught in a Chris Hansen-style sex predator sting. […]

NYT writer equates Black men with committing rampant interracial rape, then deletes entire Twitter account
At least blue-chackmarked left-wing ideologue has deleted their Twitter account since Twitter agreed to a shareholder buyout by Elon Musk. However, it remains to be seen if she stays away or comes back. Amanda Duarte […]

Spain arrests YouTube star with 3 million subs for criticizing the Ukrainian government
Anatoly Shariy, an ethnic Ukrainian YouTuber, was just arrested by Spanish federal police for the crime of “discrediting the state policy of Ukraine.” The arrest was requested by the Ukrainian Secret Service [SBU], Kiev’s successor to […]

Caught on video: Hate Crime attack on 77 year old NYC man
New York City continues to experience a steady stream of these random hate crimes assaults. Some local media are calling this one an “attempted robbery.” Do you see any attempt to steal anything? 🚨WANTED-Att. ROBBERY: […]

Ruble hits 27+ months highs against the Dollar, Euro, and Pound.
Remind me again, just who were the sanctions supposed to hurt? Today the ruble hit a high of 1.52 cents. Its highest value against the US Dollar since February 27th, 2020, the Euro since February […]