We have documented 700 confirmed interracial homicides in 2023 so far…

The Interracial Homicide Archive Project

National Conservative has documented 700 confirmed interracial homicides in 2023 so far. We are creating the most comprehensive and detailed picture of interracial homicide ever made. This is an open source project. If you know of an interracial murder in 2023 that we are missing, send us a message.

Interracial homicides where the race of the suspect is known.

Full Tally: 701

Black-on-White: 320
Black-on-Latino: 104
Black-on-Central Asian: 13
Black-on-East Asian: 15
Black-on-Middle Easterner: 10
Black-on-Pacific Islander: 2
Black-on-American Indian: 2

Black Suspects: 466

Latino-on-White: 82
Latino-on-Black: 40
Latino-on-East Asian: 8
Latino-on-Central Asian: 1
Latino-on-American Indian: 1

Latino Suspects: 132

American Indian-on-White: 6
Alaskan Native-on-White: 1
East Asian-on-Latino: 3
East Asian-on-White: 7
East Asian-on-Black: 1
East Asian-on-Pacific Islander: 1
Central Asian-on-Black: 1
Pacific Islander on White: 4
Pacific Islander on Latino: 2
Middle Eastern-on-White: 4
Middle Eastern-on-Black: 1

Other Suspects: 31

White-on-Black: 34
White-on-Latino: 30
White-on-Central Asian: 4
White-on-Pacific Islander: 3
White-on-East Asian: 1

White Suspects: 72


White: 424 60.5%

Black: 77 11.0%

Latino: 139 19.8%

Other: 61 8.7%


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