Voodoo markets of Togo

Think of the enrichment!

Togo and Benin are two small African nations wedged between Ghana and Nigeria. These nations are considered the Voodoo heartland, which is locally pronounced Ju-Ju. Voodoo’s origins are associated with the Ewe and Fon tribes. In the Western Hemisphere, Haiti is the main area where Voodoo is practiced. However, the practice can be found all over the Caribbean and parts of Louisiana.

Voodoo-inspired cults also exist, such as Candomblé and Umbanda in Brazil and Santeria in Cuba. Afro-Cuban immigrants have brought Santeria to the United States.

The capital city of Togo, Lomé, features Ju-Ju “pharmacies,” which are also referred to as “fetish markets” by the international community. These markets sell desiccated body parts of animals, including cats and dogs.




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