US government took custody of 15,360 illegal alien “minors,” not counting Mexican citizens, in the past thirty days!

Foreign families want American taxpayers to pay for their children

During the past 30 days, the US government took custody of 15,360 illegal aliens who declared themselves to be under 18. So-called “unaccompanied minors.” This does not even include unaccompanied minors” from Mexico.

The children are transferred from CBP care to the US Department of Health and Human Services. From there, many are transferred to the care of various US states, placing a tremendous burden on social services. For example, the state of California is paying people to foster illegal alien minors.

In Central America, families will pay criminal gangs to take a child to the border. They believe that the US government will take care of them, and the child will eventually be able to bring the rest of the family in.

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