Top ten most dangerous counties, based on reported violent crime rates

What do they have in common?

The list includes both dense urban counties and very rural counties. But there seems to be a common denominator.

1. Critterden County, AR (Black 57%, White 40%, Latino 3%)
2. Shelby County, TN (Black 67%, White 35%, Latino 7%)
3. Wayne County, MI (White 49%, Black 40%, Latino 7%, Asian 3%)
4. St. Louis County, MO (Black 46%, White 46%, Latino 4%, Asian 4%)
5. Rapides Parish, LA (White 61%, Black 34%)
6. Jefferson County, AR (Black 59%, White 38%)
7. Newcastle, DE (White 55%, Black 30%, Latino 11%, Asian 6%)
8. Burnalio County, NM (Latino 51%, White 37%, American Indian Indian 7%, Black 4%)
9. Marlboro County, NC (Black 57%, White 39%, American Indian 4%, Latino 3%)
10. Washington, DC (Black 49%, White 38%, Latino 12%, Asian 5%)

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