Report: Homicides rates in Michigan & Detroit

Big spikes in 2020

Michigan’s Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter (Voluntary) rate:

2017: 572 (9,977k, 5.7 per 100k)
2018: 559 (9,987k, 5.6 per 100k)
2019: 574 (9,985k, 5.7 per 100k)
2020: 760 (9,967k, 7.6 per 100k)
2021: 746 (10,050k, 7.4 per 100k)

Data for 2022 has not been published yet.

Michigan’s highest homicide rate in history was in 1974. However, 2020 saw the highest homicide rate since 1997.

Michigan is about 14.5% Black.

In 2021:

72.1% of known suspects were Black
27.6% of known suspect were White or Latino

41.4% of homicides from Detroit

In 2020:

77.8% of known suspects were Black
21.6% of known suspects were White or Latino

42.5% of homicides from Detroit

In 2019:

74.6% of known suspects were Black
25.1% of known suspect were White or Latino

47.2% of homicides from Detroit

Detroit Homicide:

1987: 686 (1,080k, 63.5 per 100k) highest rate in the city’s history

2012: 386 (707k, 54.6 per 100k) Highest rate since 1991

2018: 259 (678k, 38.2 per 100k) lowest rate since at least the 70s
2019: 271 (675k, 40.1 per 100k) second lowest rate since at least the 70s
2020: 323 (639k, 50.5 per 100k) highest rate since 2012
2021: 308 (632k, 48.7 per 100k)
2022: 309 (620k, 49.8 per 100k) second highest since 2012

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