Brandy Zadrozny is listed by NBC News, as an “investigative reporter,” and uses an official NBC/Universal e-mail address. She writes for the NBC News website and also appears on MSNBC periodically. She is a former reporter for the far-left website Daily Beast, and a former news librarian at ABC News and Fox News.
Zadrozny almost exclusively writes articles attacking people on the right. Lately, she has been at the forefront of vilifying US Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene.
On January, 14th, she wrote an article for NBC News that begins with the false statement “Federal and state law enforcement agencies are bracing for violence planned by radical conservatives and extremists in Washington in the days before the inauguration.” No “radical conservatives” engaged in violence, nor was there any evidence that any planned too.
What did happen, was Antifa and other far-left groups rioted in numerous US cities, particularly Seattle and Portland. In fact, some of this left-wing violence was planned and promoted in advance on Twitter and Instagram. It even had its own Twitter hashtag. What took place was the polar opposite of what Zadrozny alleged was going to take place. Yet, Zadrozny continues to rail about “disinformation” and “misinformation” allegedly coming from the right side of the political spectrum. Any responsible journalist would have been embarrassed and corrected themselves.
Today, on Twitter, Zadronzy publicly denounced “news orgs and fancy book publishers” over Andy Ngô’s new book Unmasked. Using classic projection she accuses Ngô creating a fake “boogeyman” out of Antifa. As if creating fake boogeymen is not something she does herself.
Ngô’s book is based on years of research into Antifa. The author was also a victim of vicious mob attack by Portland Antifa in 2019.

Emily Gorcenski is a transsexual, legal name Edward Gorcenski, who has been connected to Antifa for years. Among other things, Gorcenski runs a website that glorifies the criminal destruction of public statues by BLM & Antifa members.
Gorcenski attacked Ngô for using her legal name Edward in his book. For this, Zadronzy called Ngô a “transphobe.”
The fact that someone with such as extreme agenda is a writer for NBC News, throws the credibility of the entire media outlet into question.
If you believed the “reporting” done by Zadronzy, America is gripped by violent Qanon conspiracy theorists, but Antifa is a fake threat based on disinformation.
Sometimes an extensive Early Life section on Wikipedia is not even needed.