Red Oaks Community school is a private elementary school in Columbus, Ohio.
They boast that “students of color, gender-expansive/non-binary/trans students and students with accessibility needs” will be given priority when admitting new students. White children who have not embraced the idea that they were born in the wrong gender are discriminated against.
The school is part of the same complex as a Unitarian Universalist “church.” This is a far-left political movement. It comes from the historical American Unitarian movement, but they have abandoned Christianity in favor of a “spirituality” around far-left/woke activism. Members can be a practitioner of any religion. Multiple rainbow flags decorate the grounds.
Red Oaks is hosting a drag queen show for children. Advertising it as a “new holiday tradition.” Naturally, this sparked outrage among the community.
The school published a statement defending the show:
Our ROCS community hosts this drag story time event for the LGBTQ+ community in Columbus because it promotes values in young children that we hold dear to our hearts- love, kindness, inclusivity and understanding. When young children are raised with these values, it prevents bullying, hate and fear of “others” later in life. It also helps normalize and celebrate the beautiful diversity of the gender spectrum that is now and has always been, a natural part of the human experience. Additionally, and importantly, story time is fun! What child doesn’t enjoy stories, music, and glitter?
Red Oaks is also now fundraising off the online controversy they have generated from the event. They have collected over $2k in donations so far.