Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, delivered a speech on “currency freedom” at a symposium for cryptocurrency rights. Many feel that Dorsey’s involvement reeks of hypocrisy given that he is a high-profile advocate of censorship and has purged tens of thousands of politically conservative users, including a sitting US president, from his website.
Dorsey’s involvement in cryptocurrency stems from one of his side businesses, CashApp, which thousands of people have denounced on social media as a scam. Dorsey owns 25% of the parent company of CashApp. For years, CashApp promised $5 free for trying out the app, plus another $5 for each person you get to sign up. However, many thousands say they completed all the tasks and never received their $5. I completed all the tasks to receive a total of $10 and never got anything. Many friends of mine also completed various requirements to receive money, but CashApp never delivered the freebies.
More recently, CashApp has become notorious for the alleged ease at which con artists and “hackers” have exploited the app to steal money from users. Many local media outlets around the country have warned people of the dangers of using CashApp, and numerous lawsuits have been filed.
To date, I have yet to see anyone, either in person or online, say they ever received their free $5 reward from CashApp.
Laura Loomer interrupted a Jack Dorsey event over Twitter’s political censorship
A man in the crowd shouted “deplatorm her!” as she was removed
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) June 4, 2021