National Education Association pushing pamphlet on how to pleasure the anus with tongue or fist

Ok Groomers...

The LGBT caucus of the National Education Association [NEA] uses its official website to promote hardcore sexual materials. This includes materials called “Queering Sex Ed,” from Planned Parenting of Toronto. It advocates teaching children “sex acts that do not get enough play.” Such as licking the anus, inserting an entire fist into the anus or vagina, or stimulating a “trans woman.” It includes a guide that explains these acts.

This NEA website also provides materials demanding that “exclusive” language be discontinued when discussing sex. Words like male and female are “exclusive.” Instead, they should use the phrases “people with penises” and “people with vaginas.” The website also links to “Scarlet Teen.” The first thing on the Scarlet Teen website is an article about how women should use “sex workers” as inspiration in the fight to protect abortion. The article explicitly demonizes Christianity.

This came to light after the teachers in Hillard, Ohio, started wearing “Safe Person – Safe Space” badges. The badges contained a QR code. If a student scans the code, a list of materials from the NEA LGBT caucus pops up on their smartphone. This includes the link to the Queering Sex Ed guide.

After outrage from parents, Superintendent Dave Stewart disclosed that the badges came from the NEA and the NEA-affiliated Hilliard Education Association [HEA].

The NEA boasts three million members who work in 14,000 different school districts. The NEA has not been phased by the controversy in Hilliard. The information on the official NEA – LGBT website remains unchanged. It is highly likely that other teachers in other schools are currently promoting this list of materials to students.

Click here for the local story from the Columbus, Ohio, ABC affiliate.

NEA Safe Person -Safe Space badge that links student’s phones to hardcore materials from the “Queering Sex Ed” project of Planned Parenthood of Toronto.

Below: YouTube video for the Queering Sex Ed project that is being pushed by the NEA

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