The John Hopkins University and John Hopkins Medicine have endorsed a radical bill to force Maryland taxpayers to fund cosmetic surgery for the LGBTQP+ community.
This mass e-mail was sent to University and John Hopkins Medicine employees. It is written by the University’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity.
Maryland SB 460/HB 283 would create a massive influx of taxpayer dollars for John Hopkins by requiring Maryland Medicaid to cover elective cosmetic surgeries. The enthusiastic support for so-called “gender-affirming care” among the medical community seems to be motivated by greed as much as anything else.
Maryland Medicaid gets roughly half of its funding from state taxes and the other half from federal taxes. It is supposed to provide “essential health services” to the poor, disabled, and pregnant.
The bill doesn’t require the person to be an active transsexual to get high-dollar plastic surgery. All you have to do is declare yourself to be a “non-binary” or “two-spirit.” These are generic catchall terms with no unspecific definitions. The bill covers plastic surgery on the face, neck, chest, torso, abdomen, and buttocks. Also included are “hair alteration” procedures.
SB 460 and HB 283 are called the “Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Gender–Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act).”
SB 460 has thirteen sponsors, all Democrats. It is scheduled for a hearing on February 28th, 2023. HB283 has fifty-seven sponsors, also all Democrats. It has hearing is scheduled for February 14th.