Thirty-three counties in Illinois have voted in favor of non-binding resolutions to explore the possibility of forming a new state. It is being called the “State of New Illinois Movement.” This is similar to the secessionist movement in Northern New York to break away from New York City. Or the secessionist movement in Western Maryland to break away from Baltimore. People in southern Illinois want to break away from Chicago.
However, this would be a hard sell to Congress because it would create two new US Senators. This new state would elect two Republicans, who would cancel out the two Democrats representing the existing state of Illinois. Republicans would need to control a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate. This would be after somehow convincing a Democrat majority in the IL state legislature to approve it.
Some feel a more realistic path would be counties in Southern Illinois re-affiliating with Indiana. This would be similar to the “Greater Idaho” movement to split up Washington state, with the eastern part joining Idaho.
The GOP leadership in the Indiana State Assembly has introduced HB 1008 to welcome counties from Illinois to join Indiana. The bill will have its first reading in the House Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform on January 21st.
The bill would create a five-person “Indiana-Illinois boundary adjustment commission.” The governor would appoint the members. The commission’s ultimate goal would be to draft legislation for the state legislature to facilitate adding new counties to the state.