A Palestinian illegal alien has been arrested for stabbing nine people. Two of his victims have died, a 16-year-old female and a 19-year-old male. The two deceased victims are said to have been together on the train.
Three of the others are said to be seriously injured.
The stabbing spree took place on a train traveling from Hamburg to Kiel. German authorities did not name the suspect but said he is a thirty-three-year-old ethnic Palestinian who came to Germany illegally.
The suspect is a serial offender whom the government refused to deport. Carsten Ohlrogge, chief prosecutor of the city of Itzehoe in Schleswig-Holstein, stated that the suspect has three prior convictions. He also was recently arrested again for assault and released from police custody just days earlier. They say he has no known ties to any terrorist groups.
The suspect was subdued when three passengers tackled him. He was transported to a hospital, where he was treated for minor injuries. He was then taken to a detention facility.