Hate Crimes? Three elderly White people who were randomly murdered

The media hates to use the term "hate crime" when the victims are White

The media has spent a lot of time lately denouncing attacks on elderly Asians by Black perpetrators. They call these attacks “hate crimes.” However, elderly Whites are also being victimized, but there is no media attention.

On April 18th, 61-year-old Margaret Johnson Street was beaten to death while walking in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The suspect is 23-year-old Jeremiah Mark. The attack has all the hallmarks of a hate crime. Mark did not steal anything. He just beat the woman to death and walked away. Street died of a traumatic brain injury. Not only has the murder received almost no media attention, but the perpetrator has only been charged with manslaughter and given a super low $100k bail.






On April 23, 67-year-old Jamies Iverson was murdered in Indianola, Mississippi. She was working at a jewelry store at the time. The suspects are Daquarius Wright and Kenterius Wright.






On May 2nd, 70-year-old John Hoffman was murdered inside his apartment in Prairie Village, Kansas. The suspect is 58-year-old Michael L. Balance. According to residents of the apartment complex, Hoffman had offered assistance to Balance and was murdered while being a Good Samaritan.







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