Two and a half years ago, a vicious monster burst into a Bay Area tea shop armed with numerous weapons. He used a can of WD-40 to set a woman on fire.
The perp was Brandon McGlone, a 46-year-old Black male. The victim is described as an Asian woman. Police found knives, an axe, caustic chemicals, and a Molotov cocktail. He was charged with a giant laundry list of felonies. McGlone was also charged with felony domestic violence just two weeks before the tea shop attack.
Flash forward to today, and Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Y. Price is giving him a free pass. Price’s 2018 campaign was funded with $699,647 from George Soro’s California PAC. She did not win that election. However, she was elected in 2022. It is unclear how much support she received from Soros in the 2022 election.
The local media continues to praise her as “the first Black DA in Alameda County.”
Price gave McGlone a plea deal in which he will receive “diversion” and a FULL DISMISSAL if he completed a treatment program through the Veterans Treatment Court.
Price has only been in power for less than six months, and she is already accused of wreaking havoc on the county by refusing to prosecute criminals.