Former Seattle municipal employee sues over anti-White discrimination

Anti-White bigotry is promoted by the Seattle City Government

Seattle’s Human Services Department (HSD) hired Joshua Diemert in 2013. He excelled at his job. However, he was subject to wildly hostile anti-White racial rhetoric at the workplace. This stems from Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative [RSJI]. As part of a campaign to purge the city of alleged “systemic racism,” Diemert was constantly subjected to conspiratorial anti-White rhetoric. The hostility evolved into outright racial abuse by managers and co-workers.

He filed a complaint with the EEOC in December 2020. They did not take up his case until April 2021. By then, racial hostility had become so intense that he resigned.

On November 16th, the Pacific Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit on his behalf.

Click here to read complaint.

According to the Pacific Legal Foundation:

  • Treating and evaluating people based on race violates equality before the law. All people should be treated as individuals with dignity and evaluated by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
  • It is unfair and illegal for the government to impose hostile, unequal workplace conditions based on an employee’s race.


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