FBI: Homicides went up 25% nationwide in 2020. Arson, Vehicle theft also way up.

The first official data on the 2020 homicide increase

On March 15th, the FBI released preliminary crime statistics for 2020. The data comes from 70% of America’s law enforcement agencies.

In cities with over one million people, homicides increased an averaged of 32.2% over 2019. Even in rural incorporated areas, there was a 15% increase in homicides.

Homicides increased roughly 25% over 2019. America saw its highest homicide rate since 1998 and the highest number of homicides since 1995.

Crimes like rape, robbery, and burglary were down, which could be attributed to the lockdown. However, violent crime, in general, was up.

Arson was way up. This is obviously due to the BLM/Antifa “mostly peaceful protesters” who committed over a billion dollars in arson damage.

Population Group Murder Arson Vehicle Theft
1,000,000 or over 32.2 56.9 11.9
500,000 thru 999,999 26.5 27.3 4.2
250,000 thru 499,999 31 21.4 13.4
100,000 thru 249,999 28.1 31.5 11.9
50,000 thru 99,999 23.5 19.4 14.5
25,000 thru 49,999 21.4 23.6 13.8
10,000 thru 24,999 25.5 15.6 14.3
Under 10,000 24.9 11.3 5.3
Metropolitan Counties 14.7 8.5 8
Nonmetropolitan Counties 15 11.4 3.7

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3 years ago

This was predictable