Every country in central Asia is refusing Afghan refugees

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Over 120k, mostly unvetted, Afghan refugees are in various stages of being moved to America, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, and possibly other EU member nations.

Meanwhile, all of Afghanistan’s neighbors are rejecting new Afghan migrants. Even the ones with whom they share the same ethnicity.

Uzbekistan – Even though Uzbeks are one of the main ethnic groups in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan views them as a significant security risk. Uzbekistan is refusing to even allow pilots from the former Afghan air force to remain in the country. As their country fell, over a dozen Afghan pilots stole aircraft and flew to Uzbekistan. The government of Uzbekistan says Afghans attempting to cross the border will be “suppressed harshly.”

One of the most prominent international Jihadists groups is the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan [IMU]. Despite the name, most of these are Uzbeks from Afghanistan and not Uzbekistan. IMU played prominent roles in Syria and Iraq, fighting with ISIS and the al-Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front. IMU is also active with ISK and TTP in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Currently, IMU is believed to be the most significant foreign Jihadist group in Waziristan, replacing the role that al-Qaeda used to play.

Tajikistan – One of the largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan is the Tajiks. However, Tajikistan views these Tajiks as a security threat. Tajikistan even activated its military alliance with Russia and requested Russian help in securing its border. Despite some mixed signals over the past few months, the Interior Minister of Tajikistan says the nation will not accept Afghan refugees.

In the 1990s, Tajikistan had a civil war. Large numbers of fighters for the losing side of the war came from Afghanistan. The Tajik Islamist party Jamiat-e Islami is the party that a large majority of all Afghan Tajiks voted for in 2018. This party was a sponsor of the losing side of the Tajik civil war.

Tajikistan has already expelled 5,000 members of the Afghan military who fled across their border.

Turkmenistan – Over the years, Turkmenistan took in a tiny number of ethnic Turkmen. The government says the number they have already received is enough and will not be accepting new people.

Iran – Iran is the protector of the Shiite Hazara people inside of Afghanistan. Even then, Iran does not let them immigrate to Iran. In fact, in recent years, the former Afghan government accused Iran of killing numerous Afghans who illegally crossed their border. Iran is also returning thousands of fleeing Afghan military personnel and government officials to Afghanistan.

Pakistan – Pakistan refuses to allow more Afghans in, saying the previously admitted ones have been a destabilizing force and strained national resources. Many Pakistani also allege that current Afghan refugees commit high rates of crime.

Last week, at least six Afghans were killed by the Pakistani military when a giant mob tried to cross the border at Torkham illegally. Pakistan is now rushing to build new fencing along the border. The Pakistani military is working directly with Taliban fighters to secure the border.  

India – During the US war in Afghanistan, an estimated 40k Afghans have crossed into India. Despite massive international pressure, India refuses to grant them refugee status, and they all face deportation.

Turkey – Turkey was still actively deporting illegal immigrants from Afghanistan even as the country was falling to the Taliban. Turkey is adamant that new Afghan migrants will not be allowed to stay.

Saudi Arabia & Gulf States – While America is being allowed to move Afghans through Qatar and bases in the gulf, all nations have refused US requests to enable Afghans to remain permanently.

Kazakhstan – This nation initially said they would take some refugees and reneged.

Kyrgyzstan – This nation initially offered to accept tens of thousands of Afghan refugees and then reneged. They have issued 500 student visas but will not be taking in more Afghans.

Note: Many Afghan “refugees” who went to neighboring central Asian nations in the early 2000s, have long since made their way to wealthier nations like American, Canada, Sweden, ect.

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