In 2020, Burlington, Vermont, city council began slashing police officers to pander to BLM and far-left narratives about Blacks and the police. In early 2020, there were 105 police officers. Today there are 62.
Burlington only had five homicides in five years between 2011 and 2015.
In 2022, there have been five homicides with a population of 44.8k. All are Black on Black. The US census lists Burlington as having 1,970 Black people, or 4.4% of the city’s population. There is also a mixed-race population. Even if we assume that the actual “Black” population is 5.5%, that will equate to a Black homicide rate of 200 per 100k in 2022.
Four homicides were by gunshot, and one was a stabbing:
Abubakar Sharrif, a 23-year-old Sudanese immigrant, was stabbed. The suspect is Von Simmonds, a 40-year-old Black male.
Sheikhnoor “Snake” Osman, a 40-year-old African immigrant, was shot and killed last October. The suspect is Denroy Dasent, a 52-year-old Black male.
Last September, Bryan C. Rogers II, a 32-year-old Black male, was shot and killed. The suspect is Christopher Crawford, a 43-year-old Black male.
Last July, Kayla Noonan, a 22-year-old Black (Mulatto) female, was shot and killed. Her roommate was also shot and wounded. The perp was Mikal Dixon, a 27-year-old Black (Mulatto) male. He committed suicide afterward.
Last July, Hussein Mubarak, a 21-year-old African immigrant, was shot and killed. Abdiaziz Abdhikadir, a 19-year-old African immigrant, was charged.
Burlington, Vermont, dramatically defunded the police under the pretense of helping Black people. Now Black-on-Black murders are occurring at a completely insane rate.
As long as they keep it black on black, who cares.
Sounds like the African immigrants are no match for the domestic feral blacks. BTW, one big reason places like Burlington Vermont and most of New England never make the news is because most of the area is still overwhelmingly White and therefore, low crime. The U.S. Government, of course, is trying to change that by bringing in diversity, particularly from south of the border.
Winter can sometimes be harsh in New England especially in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. It is a shock to the diversity when the temperatures drop to 30 deg. F. during the day and 20 deg. F. (or lower) at night with six inches of snow on the ground. Generally they pack up and leave after one harsh winter. Good riddance.