Hate Crime: Suspect savagely beat elderly Asian man on NYC subway

One of three recent anti-Asian hate crimes in NYC

Narayange Bodhi, a 68-year-old immigrant from Sri Lanka, was brutally attacked on a subway in Manhattan. He was on his way to work at the time.

Marc Mathieu, a 36 Black male with nine prior arrests, is the suspect in the attack. Mathieu allegedly yelled racially abusive language and assaulted Bodhi without provocation. After the attack, fled out of the subway doors and disappeared into Manhattan. He was quickly apprehended because a police officer recognized his picture from a security camera.

George Okrepkie witnessed the attack. He said he used a scarf to stop the bleeding.

There have been at least two other anti-Asian hate crimes in NYC recently. On March 10th, a Black male suspect attacked a 37-year-old Asian woman. The woman was on her way to a rally against anti-Asian violence and was carrying a sign. The perp targeted her for violence because of her sign.

On February 25th, an Asian man was randomly stabbed while crossing the street. Police have arrested an Arab suspect and charged him with attempted murder as a hate crime.

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3 years ago

In NYC the overwhelming attacks on Asians and gays are perpetuated by black males. The media refuses to acknowledge this fact and have blamed Trump for the rise. Unfortunately for the media fact checkers the National Crime Victim Survey tells the true story.