The Higher Administrative Court (OVG) in Münster ruled, for the first time in 13 years, that the deportation of illegal aliens from Syria is permissible.
The judges ruled that “for civilians in Syria, there is no longer any serious, individual threat to their life or physical integrity.” The Danish Ministry of Immigration reached the same decision in 2021, while the Swedish Ministry of Immigration ruled that parts of Syria were safe in 2022.
The German government is currently refusing to deport any more than tiny insignificant numbers of illegal aliens. So it will not have an immediate effect. However, it destroys the argument of the radical left that it is too dangerous to deport Syrians, most of whom are young men who were fleeing from military service.
Last year, even left-wing, body-positive Green Party leader Ricarda Lang publicly stated that the entire country was lied to in 2015. She says that the German people only went along with mass illegal immigration because they were told the people would be deported as soon as it was safe. At the time, she said there was no reason why Moroccans, Algerians, and Tunisians could not all be deported.
There have been huge scandals because illegal aliens from Syria, living off government benefits, often go on vacation in Syria. All the while, European governments falsely allege that it is too dangerous to send them back.
Bashir al-Assad has already granted all the illegal aliens amnesty for dodging the draft and has pledged to cooperate with deportations.