Many corporate media pundits and professional activists that Musk’s buyout of Twitter as a major calamity, if not a threat to our very way of life.
These people represents only 13% of actual Americans.
Rasmussen Poll (Conducted April 26th – 27th):
1. How often do you use the Twitter social media platform?
Rarely or never: 10%
Once per week or less: 25%
Several times per week: 61%
Every day or nearly every day: 30%
2. Twitter has recently agreed to accept a $44 billion buyout offer from Elon Musk. Will the purchase by Elon Musk make Twitter better or worse, or will it not make much difference?
Better 62%
Worse 13%
No difference: 12%
Unsure: 13%
Of the people who answered “better”
Republican: 70%
Unaffiliated: 61%
Democrats: 57%
Whites: 64%
Other: 63%
Blacks: 51%
Women: 66%
Men: 58%
Americans who make $30k to $50k: 71%
Americans who make over $200k: 46%
3. Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter, are you more likely or less likely to use Twitter? Or will his ownership not make much difference in how often you use Twitter?
More likely: 43%
No difference: 21%
Less likely: 19%
Not Sure: 17%
Of the people who said “more likely”
Republicans: 61%
Unaffiliated: 40%
Democrats: 30%
Men: 48%
Women: 37%
Private Sector workers: 49%
Government employees: 37%
Of the people who said “less likely”
Democrats: 31%
Unaffiliated: 15%
Republicans: 11%