According to taxpayer supported PBS, roughly 90% of all gunfire in Minneapolis from 2020 and the first half of 2021 came from just five neighborhoods. There are a total of at least eleven.
Near North, Camden, Powderhorn, Phillips and Central.
Minneapolis as a whole is 59.8% Non-Hispanic White, 19.4% Black, 6.1% Asian, 4.7% Other, and 4.6% Mixed. (Along with 9.6% Hispanic/Latino of any race)
The following neighborhood demographics come from the website Areavibes. The “White” category includes some Latinos. Note that for Powderhorn and Central, there are an excessively large number of people classified as “Other.” It appears that Somalian and other East African immigrants are classified as “Other” instead of “Black.”
Near North:
55% Black, 16% White, 15.5% Asian, 14% Mixed/Other
47% Black, 36% White, 7.5% Mixed/Other
57% White, 22% Mixed/Other, 17.5% Black
50% Black, 32% White, 16.5% Mixed/Other
35.5% White, 31% Mixed/Other, 28.5% Black