49% of deaths among Black males, aged 15-24, were caused by homicides in 2021

10.6 times the percentage of Whites in the same age range

Data from the CDC. MVA means motor vehicle accident deaths.

America has seen a wild surge in mva deaths corresponding with nationwide BLM riots and the rush to change policies to reduce the number of Black motorists stopped by the police.  The surge in mva deaths has affected Blacks far more than other races.

There has also been a wild surge in homicide rates across the nation. It can be demonstrated that a large majority of the increase in homicides is coming from the Black community.

Deaths among Black males in 2021
Age Group Total Deaths Assault Homicides % Assault Hom. MVA Deaths % MVA Deaths
<1 3,319 65 1.96% 22 0.66%
1-4 606 87 14.36% 61 10.07%
5-14 966 188 19.46% 150 15.53%
15-24 7,984 3,894 48.77% 1,049 13.14%
25-34 13,910 4,150 29.83% 1,654 11.89%
35-44 16,651 2,221 13.34% 1,168 7.01%
45-54 25,616 1,042 4.07% 860 3.36%
55-64 50,539 606 1.20% 864 1.71%
65-74 58,807 191 0.32% 476 0.81%
75-84 40,106 29 0.07% 145 0.36%
85+ 23,948 0 0.00% 36 0.15%
Totals 242,452 12473 5.14% 6485 2.67%
Deaths among White males in 2021
Age Group Total Deaths Assault Homicides % Assault Hom. MVA Deaths % MVA Deaths
<1 4,317 63 1.46% 17 0.39%
1-4 927 64 6.90% 86 9.28%
5-14 1,560 68 4.36% 281 18.01%
15-24 12,084 558 4.62% 2,530 20.94%
25-34 29,601 935 3.16% 3,120 10.54%
35-44 45,292 904 2.00% 2,832 6.25%
45-54 80,909 694 0.86% 2,830 3.50%
55-64 196,640 588 0.30% 3,395 1.73%
65-74 308,882 315 0.10% 2,465 0.80%
75-84 345,184 122 0.04% 1,478 0.43%
85+ 311,963 29 0.01% 677 0.22%
Totals 1,337,359 4340 0.32% 19711 1.47%


Deaths among Black males in 2021
Age Group Total Population Total Deaths Assault Homicides Rate per 100k MVA Deaths Rate per 100K
<1 291,911 3,319 65 22.27 22 7.54
1-4 1,216,987 606 87 7.15 61 5.01
5-14 3,238,061 966 188 5.81 150 4.63
15-24 3,273,659 7,984 3,894 118.95 1,049 32.04
25-34 3,512,412 13,910 4,150 118.15 1,654 47.09
35-44 2,895,495 16,651 2,221 76.71 1,168 40.34
45-54 2,551,513 25,616 1,042 40.84 860 33.71
55-64 2,464,580 50,539 606 24.59 864 35.06
65-74 1,535,044 58,807 191 12.44 476 31.01
75-84 568,239 40,106 29 5.10 145 25.52
85+ 154,714 23,948 0 0.00 36 23.27
Total 21,702,615 242,452 12473 57.47 6485 29.88
Deaths among White males in 2021
Age Group Total Deaths Assault Homicides Rate per 100k MVA Deaths Rate per 100K
<1 870,576 4,317 63 7.24 17 1.95
1-4 3,781,503 927 64 1.69 86 2.27
5-14 10,579,140 1,560 68 0.64 281 2.66
15-24 11,545,971 12,084 558 4.83 2,530 21.91
25-34 12,496,640 29,601 935 7.48 3,120 24.97
35-44 12,406,275 45,292 904 7.29 2,832 22.83
45-54 12,347,408 80,909 694 5.62 2,830 22.92
55-64 14,443,130 196,640 588 4.07 3,395 23.51
65-74 11,938,818 308,882 315 2.64 2,465 20.65
75-84 5,595,623 345,184 122 2.18 1,478 26.41
85+ 1,699,823 311,963 29 1.71 677 39.83
Total 97,704,907 1,337,359 4340 4.44 19711 20.17

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