Year: 2024

Overview of the situation in Syria
From Renaissance Horizon… Syrian refugees in Turkey mob border crossings to return home The return of Turkey’s Syrian refugees has already begun, which is one of Turkey’s primary goals. Analysts believe that an exodus of […]

Martin Sellner holds German speaking tour on a rental bus
A new tactic against state repression in Europe. Activist Martin Sellner conducted a speaking tour using a rental bus as the venue. Martin Sellner also spoke, via live video, at the 2024 American Renaissance Conference.

California flips another House seat one month after the election
An entire month after the 2024 election, California is still counting ballots. They have already flipped multiple races from Republican to Democrat long after the election was supposed to be over. Now, an entire month […]

Birmingham man charged with two mass shootings and three other murders!
A mass shooting suspect has now been charged with a second mass shooting, as well as other shootings. Police now believe Damien Laron McDaniel III, 22, killed 11 people and wounded 27 during 72 days! […]

Little evidence that Trump increased his share of the Black vote
Newsweek is alleging that Trump won a higher share of the Black vote than any Republican in 48 years. They claim Trump got 21% of the Black male vote and falsely cite NBC News as […]

Anti-immigration nationalists in the European Parliament Updated 11/25
On May 23, Marine Le Pen, the leader of National Rally, said she was kicking the Alternative for Germany [AfD] out of Identity and Democracy [ID]. This began speculation that ID planned on dissolving anyway. […]

30 years of AmRen Conferences
Once again, National Conservative had a booth at the American Renaissance conference. Thirty Years of AmRen Conferences by Renaissance Readings By AR Staff Read on Substack