Month: March 2024

Marine Corps evacuates US embassy staff from Haiti
The United States Marine Corps used helicopters to conduct a nighttime operation to evacuate most US Embassy staff and deploy more US Marines to guard the embassy. The Prime Minister of Haiti has fled […]

Moroccan gets free pass for beating German teen to death
On May 28th, 2023, an unnamed Moroccan national, 16, attacked Paul P., 15, during a soccer tournament. The victim fell into a coma and died from his injuries three days later. Paul P. played for […]

Philly: 3 killed, 12 injured in 4 bus stop shootings in 4 days!
On March 3rd, Sawee Kofa, a 27-year-old Black male, was shot at a SEPTA bus stop. He was fatally shot by a man who exited the bus behind him. There is no description of the […]

Majority of Austrians want a full stop to asylum
In a new poll, 56% of Austrian voters said they agree that Austria needs a complete shutdown of the asylum process that allows illegal aliens to remain in the country. Only 37% said they were opposed. […]

NY Gov deploys 750 Army National Guardsmen to stop and frisk people in NYC
Remember when “stop and frisk” was racist? Is it still racist if the National Guard does it instead of the local police force? New York Governor Kathy Hochul is deploying 750 members of the New […]

Armed gang storm Haiti’s largest prisons, thousands freed
A state of emergency has been declared in Haiti after armed men stormed two prisons. One is the National Prison in Port-au-Prince, which houses nearly 4,000 inmates. Another prison in Croix-des-Bouquets was also stormed. The […]

Racial differences among juvenile homicide offenders
The following data comes from Racial Differences Among Juvenile Homicide Offenders: An Empirical Analysis of 37 Years of U.S. Arrest Data, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Volume 35 (11-12): 31 – Jun 1, 2020. […]

Wealthy liberal elites in Boston outraged over plans for illegal alien shelter
Residents of Boston’s wealthy Fort Point neighborhood are up in arms over plans to put eighty potentially dangerous illegal aliens in their neighborhood. The far-left Unitarian Universalist Association owns the shelter location owns the shelter location, […]