The Colors+ Youth Center is located in Lorain, in suburban Cuyahoga County, OH. The center is focused heavily on pushing extreme gender ideology of children. They even use the transsexual flag as their logo. Currently, they are in the news for launching drag queen training for children.
FOX News, Daily Mail, and other media outlets report that it is funded by Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, an entity launched in 2006 and funded by the city’s 30-cent-a-pack cigarette tax. The tax was renewed by Cuyahoga County voters in 2015.

However, the Center is only receiving $5k per year from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture and this funding only just started in 2022.
This is sloppy, half-hearted work by the “mainstream media.” The funding from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture could be 1% of their total funding since they launched in 2019.
An IRS filing shows that in 2021, they took in $146k in revenue, of which $121k came from grants. They had $32.5k in expenses. In December 2021, local media reported that the Three Arches Foundation was giving them a $134k grant to move to a new larger facility. According to Three Arches Foundation, they awarded Colors+ a $134k grant over two years (2021-2022). Colors+ only reported about $20k per year in funding for 2019 and 2020. Almost half of that came from grants.
Three Arches Foundation alleges that the money “will help to decrease mental health risks” among “LGBTQ+ youth.” (Many would argue that the exact opposite is true.)

Three Arches Foundation is chaired by left-wing activist Mary Anne Crampton. According to their 2021 tax filing, they took in nearly $4 million. A total of $3.6 million was investment income from their $42 million in net assets. The group had $2.4 million in expenses in 2021, of which $2 million was given out in grants. CEO & President Kristin Broadbent received a $154k salary and $28k in other compensation.
The Colors+ Youth Center was renovating this massive 3,500 square feet facility in 2021. This is a massive upgrade from the 250 square foot office they opened in January 2019.