Recently over two hundred people in matching outfits held a “nationalist” flash rally in Washington DC. They called themselves “Patriot Front.” Social media immediately exploded with claims that the federal government orchestrated the event.
MMA fighter Tara LaRosa and MMA announcer and podcaster Joe Rogan led the charge. Both claimed that the rally was too well organized and the attendees were too physically fit to be real right-wingers.
However, a group of journalists calling themselves “Media 2 Rise” published interviews with members of Patriot Front three months ago.
The Feds are at it again. Look, I’ve been part of major rallies/political events over the past 4 years. There is absolutely NO group on the right that can coordinate outfits and accessories like that, and have zero sloppy beer guts & ass cracks hanging out pic.twitter.com/vSF6V3NByh
— Tara LaRosa (@TaraLaRosa) December 5, 2021
Joe Rogan calls bullshit on the bizarre Patriot Front rally. pic.twitter.com/aw11u1BaeU
— Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) December 8, 2021