Wlnsvey Campos and Khanh Pham are two Oregon state legislators who have introduced SB603, a bill to give $12,000 in free cash to “low-income” residents. They call it “The People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program.”
Some media outlets have falsely depicted the money as just being for “homeless people.” The bill calls for far more people to receive the cash.
The bill says that anyone who makes equal or less than “60% of the median income in their area” qualifies. Median income will vary significantly by county. The statewide median income is $32,071. So anyone making roughly $19,242 or less per year would get $12,000 for free.
However, there are more ways to qualify. Any family that spends more than 50% of their household income on rent will be eligible for $12,000 in free cash. Anyone homeless or allegedly in danger of becoming homeless will also be eligible for $12,000 in free money.
Wlnsvey Campos and Khanh Pham are darlings of left-wing, Marxist activist circles. Campos is being praised as Oregon’s “youngest state Senator.” She represents State Senate District 18, which includes the Portland suburb of Aloha. Pham represents State House District 46, which represents the southeastern side of Portland.
The bill would provide twelve months of $1k payments. It sunsets on January 2, 2026. The state of Oregon would then be required to study how the money affected the recipients. They would be specifically required to examine how the money affected “persons of color,” “transgender,” and “queer” people.
Critics say the bill reeks of “vote buying” and would create a tidal wave of homeless people and welfare abusers moving to the state seeking free money.