Pavel Durov’s pre-trial release conditions:
Five million Euro bail.
Must check in with police two times per week.
May not leave France.
He is charged with complicity in crimes committed by people he never even knew existed. This “complicity” is based solely on the fact that he doesn’t assist the Western government to help them spy on users.
Western leaders and media previously praised Pavel Durov as a hero for refusing to cooperate with the Russian government. He left Russia and became a citizen of the UAE and France. He has met with Emmanuel Macron multiple times. Just months ago, Western media still praised Pavel Durov as a hero for giving political dissidents a voice in countries that Western media deem to be enemies.
The French media says he is also under investigation for “assaulting” his child in 2022. His baby momma in Switzerland allegedly filed a complaint in 2023.
The governments of Russia, UAE, Serbia, and El Salvador are all advocating on his behalf.