National Conservative is conducting the largest and most comprehensive study into interracial homicides that has ever been done. This project has just been upgraded. From now on all the data will be stored in a searchable database with pictures.
Below is data we have added beginning on December 1st. To see all data from 2023, click here.
The ND Attorney Generals Office lists of 17 homicides for 2021. A total of 58.8% were committed by Blacks. The US Census lists North Dakota as 3.5 Black, yet all data shows that Blacks commit a […]
If Chicago was it’s own state, it rank: 36th highest highest population 13th highest number of homicides 1st highest homicide rate The current population of Chicago is about 2.756 million. In 2020, the Chicago homicide […]
Cedar Rapids has been experiencing record homicide rates. Local media says a new record was set in 2020, and 2022 is on track to beat that. The city has about 148k residents, with Whites making […]
Black-on-White hunch confirmed: