The man who Ted Wheeler admits to pepper spraying in the eyes has been identified as Cary Randall Cadonau. He is a lawyer and a partner at Brownstein Rask LLP, a prominent local law firm based in downtown Portland.
On January 24th, Cadonau allegedly confronted Wheeler as he was exiting the McMenamins Hillsdale Brewery & Public House. Wheeler had been eating with Sam Adams, the former Portland Mayor who famously lied about having sex with a teenage male that was interning for a State Rep.
Wheeler says Cadonau accused him of not following his own rules concerning the wearing of a mask inside restaurants. Wheeler admits spraying the man directly in the eyes, saying he feared he would contract Covid-19.
“He had no face mask on and got within a foot or two of my face while he was videoing me. I became imminently concerned for my personal safety, as I had recently been physically accosted in a similar situation. In addition, I was concerned about contracting COVID given that he was right in my face and he was not wearing a face mask.” – Ted Wheeler
Cadonau returned to Hillsdale Brewery & Public House on January 25th and talked to the manager. He requested copies of the surveillance video and a copy of the Mayor’s receipt. The manager declined to cooperate with him, but gave a copy of the surveillance video to the Portland police department. Cadonau also says he has some of his own video of the incident on his cellphone.
Cadonau told the local NBC station that he is seeking a copy of the Mayor’s receipt because it could provide evidence that Ted Wheeler was intoxicated at the time. Cadonau says he wants the authorities to hold Cadonau responsible. He hired another local lawyer, Mara Woloshin, to represent him in this matter.
Earlier this month, Wheeler was accosted by multiple screaming Antifa inside a restaurant and allegedly sucker punched in the face. Wheeler did not pepper spray his attackers. Last year, he restricted the Portland Police department from using pepper spray against Antifa & BLM rioters, except in the most extreme cases.