King County Regional Homelessness Authority [KCRHA] has a Continuum of Care Advisory Committee [COC]. This committee works out plans on how to spend taxpayer dollars that have been allocated to help the homeless.
On May 3rd, Thomas Whitaker was nominated for the board. He is a homeless “LGBTQIA2S+” convicted sex offender who calls himself “Raven Crowfoot.” Another committee member objected, saying she personally had been victimized by the man. She is immediately cut off by the co-chairman Shanéé Colston, who defends the man. She says that the committee needs a sex offender because they are a committee that is “vulnerable” to homelessness.
Colston then begins screaming hysterically about “equity.” She says she is “glad” a sex offender applied for the position.
Colston is demanding that victim resign from the committee.