Dozens of people were killed due to criminal activities that occurred during left-wing rioting in 2020. Hundreds, possibly thousands, were injured. This is only a partial list.

We will be continuously updating this list. You can help contribute by sending us names. We are only included those killed as a direct result of criminal activity occurring at BLM and/or Antifa “demonstrations.” If we used the same journalistic standards employed by CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and others, there are many more we could add. Such as Jacob Gardner who committed suicide after months of persecution and harassment by BLM. These are listed as “related killings” at the bottom.

Activists are scrubbing this data from Wikipedia right now. Many major media outlets are pretending like it never happened. The New York Times recently characterized all the violence and death as “isolated instances of property damage.” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough recently characterized all this violence as vandalism against “taco stands.” It is very important that a permanent exhaustive list is created because activists are trying to re-write history.

There were many outright murders and attempted murders. Most were committed using firearms, but at least one murder victim was killed by fire. There are two main categories of these murders. The largest category was people murdered as part of the rioting. There is a smaller category of murders, in which BLM/Antifa rioting was used as a cover to carry out murders against other people within a protest/riot area (Such as Italia Kelley in Davenport, IA). There were also many people killed in self-defense shootings.

Another large number of deaths were caused by rioters engaged in criminal activity. Such as the rioter who blew himself up in Philadelphia trying to open an ATM machine with explosives. USAToday reported in early July that over 100 rioters had been hit by cars while illegally blocking traffic in cities all over America.

Minneapolis, MN: 6 dead
Indianapolis, IN: 3 dead
Seattle, WA: 3 dead (5 other gunshot victims)
Cicero, IL: 2 dead
St. Louis, MO: 2 dead (1 other gunshot victim)
Davenport, IA: 2 dead (3 other gunshot victims)
Louisville, KY: 2 dead (9 other gunshot victims)
Chicago, IL: 2 dead (1 other gunshot victim, 1 other seriously injured)
Kenosha, WI: 2 dead (1 other gunshot victim, 1 other seriously injured)
Philadelphia, PA: 2 dead
Kansas City, MO: 1 dead
Omaha, NE: 1 dead
Portland, OR: 1 dead (1 stabbing victim, 9 other serious injuries)
Atlanta, GA: 1 dead (2 other gunshot victims, 2 other victims of a mob attack)
Detroit, MI: 1 dead
Bakersfield, CA: 1 dead
Bay Area, CA: 2 dead (3 other gunshot victims)
Las Vegas, NV: 1 dead
Austin, TX: 1 dead
Denver, CO: 1 dead
Yorba Linda, CA: (1 attempted murder, 1 other serious injury)
Aurora, CO: (2 gunshot victims)
Alamosa, CO: (1 gunshot victim)
Madison, WI: (1 seriously injured by mob beating)
Provo, UT: (1 attempted murder)
Portsmouth, VA: (1 person permanently debilitated)

Total: 37 dead, 28 other gunshot victims, 16 victims of other attacks, 2 other attempted murders

Related Killings: 8, Related Beatings: 1

Oscar Lee Stewart Jr.

Five homicides and a self-defense shooting in Minneapolis, Minnesota

On May 28th, 2020, BLM and other far-left groups engaged in mass arson and violence in Minneapolis, MN. Among the destroyed buildings were occupied second-floor apartments, a brand new public housing complex, and a Native American Youth Center.

Two murders occurred during the rioting in Minneapolis. Neither was widely reported in the media. A female victim was found dead in the riot zone. Her body was in the backseat of a car that had been abandoned in the middle of the road. Police said the woman had visible trauma and they were opening a homicide investigation. This victim does not appear to have even been ever been identified by the media. There is a surveillance video of a female in visible distress that rang someone’s doorbell nearby, but it was never confirmed if it was the same woman. During the rioting, a report came across the Minneapolis police scanner about a “screaming woman” who was being forced into a car. A Minneapolis Star Tribune reporter even tweeted about this. There were allegations on Twitter of a second possible abduction of a female victim at another nearby location. However, the Minneapolis Star Tribune never followed up on any of this.

Oscar Lee Stewart Jr., the owner of Max Pawn was killed when his store was set on fire. Montez Terriel Lee, a black male, was charged with burning down the pawnshop.  Prosecutors say he is on video pouring an accelerant all over the shop. Millions of dollars, some from major Hollywood celebrities, poured in to provide lawyers for Lee and dozens of others arrested. It remains to be seen if he is ever prosecuted for murder.

Calvin Horton Jr. was killed in a self-defense shooting. He was involved in the looting of Cadillac Pawn & Jewelry.

Following the mass rioting, BLM erected barricades around “George Floyd Square” and declared it a 24 hour a day, seven-day per week BLM “autonomous” protest zone. Armed BLM and Antifa patrolled the zone day and night, violently preventing police, and sometimes media, from entering. On June 19, 2020, Dameon Chambers was fatally shot during a Black Lives Matter “Juneteenth” demonstration inside the square. On July 5, 2020, Leneesha Columbus and her unborn child were fatally shot and killed in the square. The baby was due within a few weeks.

Homicide in Atlanta, Georgia

All of the crimes below took place near the same intersection where BLM also burned down a Wendy’s.

Secoriea Turner

In early July, a group of armed BLM activists blocked traffic in Atlanta. When some cars did not stop, multiple perpetrators opened fire on passing traffic. Eight-year-old Secoriea Turner was slaughtered. Atlanta police say as many as four different young black males opened fire. One person has been arrested, but the gunman who killed Turner remains at large. The investigation has been hampered because witnesses are refusing to cooperate.

On June 19th, armed BLM activists were shooting off guns wildly and an Asian female victim was hit in the leg by a stray bullet. The very next day, on June 20th, the same armed BLM activists were back out demonstrating in the same area. This time an unidentified male victim was shot in the leg.

Also on June 19th, a white couple was surrounded in their car by black BLM activists. Their windows were smashed, and they were hit with rocks and fists. The attackers told them “white people were not allowed to drive on that road.”

Two homicides Cicero, Illinois

Victor Cazares Jr & Jose Angel

After days of rioting, Chicago police make a large effort to reclaim downtown Chicago on June 1st. What happened was a mass of so-called “activists” moved from downtown to Cicero. A mostly Black crowd appeared in a primarily Latino area of Cicero, looted small businesses, threw bottles at predominantly Latino motorists, and murdered two Latino men. The attack was a massive blow to race relations in the Chicago area, as the violence was widely viewed as racially motivated by the Latino community.

Victor Cazares Jr, 27, and Jose Angel Gutierrez, 28, were both murdered. Cazares was working inside a shop that was looted. Gutierrez was walking down the street when he was murdered. Zion Haygood, a black male, was charged with first-degree murder for killing Gutierre

Two homicides and a self-defense killing in Indianapolis, Indiana

Jessica Doty Whitaker

On July 5th, Jessica Doty Whitaker, a young white mother, was murdered after walking past a group of Black Lives Matter supporters. The group ordered Whitaker and her friends to proclaim “Black Lives Matter.” Instead, someone in her group said “All Lives Matter.” The BLM supporters pulled out guns and threatened them. Whitaker’s fiance, Jose Ramirez, withdrew a concealed handgun and the perps appeared to back off.

However, at least one person stalked Whitaker and Ramirez as they continued walking down the road. He stood on a bridge and shot Whitaker in the head as the couple was walking past below him. As far as we know, the killer is still at large. Local media ceased reporting on the investigation after July.

Indianapolis also saw three days of violent rioting by BLM protesters in late May. Two people were killed.

Christopher Beaty

Christopher Beaty, a 38-year-old former Indianapolis football player, was shot multiple times and killed. It is believed that Beaty was trying to prevent BLM rioters from looting stores.

Also during the BLM riot in Indianapolis, police say Dorian Murrell, an 18-year-old black male, was part of a group that mugged a female victim in a parking garage. Police say his accomplices were brothers Anderson and Alijah Jones. Hours after the mugging, a white male pedestrian was attacked from behind by a group of black males. The victim, Tyler Newby, had a concealed carry permit. Believing he was about to be murdered, he rolled over and fire one shot. Murrell was standing over top of the victim and was killed.

Anderson Jones, an alleged accomplice of Dorian Murrell, has been charged with killing Christopher Beaty. The murder of Beaty occurred shortly after Dorian Murrel, Anderson Jones, and Alijah Jones allegedly mugged a woman and a few hours before the unprovoked mob attack on Tyler Newby.

Homicide in Detroit, Michigan

Javar Harrell, age 21 was killed at a BLM rally in Detroit. He was in a car with two other people that had parked next to the rally. A black male suspect fired into the car and then ran away.

Italia Kelly

Homicide, self-defense killing, three other shooting victims in Davenport, Iowa

Italia Marie Kelly, age 22, was shot and killed as she was leaving a BLM rally that turned into a riot. Parker Marlin Belz, a 21-year-old white male, has been arrested and charged with murder. Belz and Kelly had been friends but were involved in a feud over social media. Belz apparently thought that he could use the mayhem of the BLM rioting to get away with murder.

Marquis M. Tousant, 23, of Rock Island, Illinois, was killed in self-defense after he opened fire on three Davenport, IA police officers.

Two unnamed Davenport Iowa police officers suffered minor gunshot wounds. One officer was hit in the leg and another officer was hit, but his holster stopped the bullet.

An unnamed victim was shot and wounded in front of a jewelry store while BLM “protesters” looted the business. Seven people have been arrested in connection with these crimes.

One murder, one death caused by felony violence, and a gunshot victim in St. Louis, Missouri

David Dorn, aged 77, was murdered by BLM rioters when he tried to dissuade people from engaging in looting. He was a retired police officer.

Barry Perkins died during an attack on a FedEx truck by BLM rioters on May 29th, 2020. Rioters climbed all over a double trailer FedEx truck, looted packages, and pointed guns and the driver. Perkins got stuck on a dolly in between the two trailers. He was eventually sucked under a wheel and killed.

An armed BLM protester shot himself in the foot during during a violent protest in the St. Louis suburb of Florissant on June 23, 2020.

Self-defense shooting and death caused by felony violence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

An unnamed man in his 20s was killed in a self-defense shooting after multiple armed looters broke into Firing Line Gun Store during a BLM riot on June 2nd.

An unnamed 24-year-old rioter fatally injured himself trying to blow up an ATM.

Summer Taylor

Two homicides by gunfire, five others shot, another killed while blocking traffic in Seattle, Washington

For much of the month of June, police stood by and watched as multiple city blocks were turned into a permanent twenty-four-hour a day Black Lives Matter protest. Several different mob fights broke out between rival left-wing groups, as well as what appears to have been rival gangs competing to sell drugs.

A motorist was shot and injured on June 7th.

On June 20th, two different people were shot in two different incidents. Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr, a 19-year-old black male, was killed.

On June 21st, a fourth person was shot. On June 23rd, a fifth person was shot.

On June 29th, a sixth and seventh person was shot. Antonio Mays Jr., a 16-year-old black male was killed.

In July, Summer Taylor, a 24-year-old white female, was part of a group of BLM “activists” that blocked a highway after dark. Dawit Kelete, 27, has been charged with vehicular homicide. Friends of Taylor say he hit her on purpose and a video seems to show his car swerve in an odd way before the collision. Kelete maintains his innocence of any malicious intent. Another female BLM activist, Diaz Love was hospitalized with injuries.

One dead while blocking traffic in Bakersfield, California

Robert Forbes was hit by a car and killed while blocking traffic after dark with other BLM rioters. Timothy Kieth Moore was the driver, who already had pending drug charges and was accused by Homeland security of transporting drugs back and forth from Mexico. There was an investigation into whether the collision was intentional, however, Moore died three months later in Baja, Mexico.

Aaron Danielson

One homicide, six people seriously injured during mob beatings, a stabbing victim, and a bombing victim in Portland, Oregon

On August 29th conservative activist Aaron Danielson was shot and killed execution-style by a self-described Antifa member Michael Reinoehl. Antifa rioted during a pro-Trump demonstration. Video shows a group of people stalk Danielson, surround him, and then aid Reinoehl in escaping.

Reinoehl was later shot and killed in self-defense by US Marshalls in Lacey, Washington.

Unnamed victim

On May 30th, an unnamed man was savagely beaten during the rioting. Some of the perpetrators were dressed like Antifa. The victim was left lying face down in the street. According to Portland Police, a fourteen-year-old Latino suspect was arrested for kicking the victim in the head while he was already on the ground. Police say the victim survived.

Andrew Duncomb, a Black conservative journalist, was reporting on Antifa rioting in Portland in late July. A man dressed like Antifa, recognized who he was, following him down the road, and stabbed him with a seven-inch knife. Duncomb was hospitalized. Blake David Hampe, a forty-three-year-old convicted pedophile was arrested by police.

Adam Haner

During a Black Lives Matter “protest” on August 16th, an unidentified White female (some sources claim transsexual) was beaten and robbed by a group of Black male rioters. Adam Haner, a White male, tried to intervene. Haner and his White girlfriend Tammie Martin were then surrounded, berated with anti-White racial abuse, and assaulted. Haner and Martin were able to get inside their vehicles and flee in two different directions. However, a mob chases Haner’s pickup truck. They eventually pull him from the truck, beat him unconscious, and leave him for dead. He suffered two black eyes and three broken ribs and his truck was heavily vandalized.

On August 16th, BLM and Antifa rioters hurled rocks, bottles, and other objects at the police. One man hurled a ten-pound rock that sent two police officers to the hospital.

On July 22nd, Isaiah Jason Maza, Jr allegedly smashed the window of a Federal courthouse with a hammer and then placed a homemade bomb inside the building. A deputy US Marshall sustained injuries to both of his legs.

On July 27th, a man beat a US Deputy Marshall with a baseball bat during a riot.

Self-defense shooting in Omaha, Nebraska

James Scurlock, 22, was shot and killed in self-defense by the owner of a bar during a BLM riot. Initially, prosecutors said the bar owner would not face charges. BLM and major media outlets recently harassed the bar owner. Eventually, prosecutors caved to the mob and filed charges. The bar owner committed suicide after three months of harassment.

Homicide in Kansas City, Missouri

Marvin Francois

During a BLM riot, Marvin Francois, 50, was attacked by men while sitting in his Jeep. One of the perps shot and killed him.

Two homicide, one gunshot victim, another seriously injured in Chicago, Illinois

On June 2nd, while a BLM riot was going on, a mob stormed a Metro PCS. Two people, who owned the store, fired shots to drive the looters out. There are different versions of the story. The Chicago Sun-Times reported that John Tiggs left the store and came back a second time, along with a 15-year-old. They were both hit by bullets and Tiggs was killed. The family alleges that Tiggs was just trying to pay his phone bill and was an innocent bystander of a reckless shooting.

Zoraleigh Ryan

Chicago police say that Zoraleigh Ryan, a 55 White female, was intentionally murdered by Edgar Roman, a 25-year-old Latino male. Roman was part of a group of nearby looters and was fleeing the scene in a stolen car. He smashed through two barricades and then hit Ryan and her daughter. According to witnesses, he turned the car around and hit Ryan a second time, trying to finish her off. Ryan died, and her daughter was seriously injured with several broken bones. A bystander was credited with saving the life of her daughter.

Self-defense shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada

Jorge Gomez was killed by police in a self-defense shooting outside of a Federal Courthouse during a BLM riot. Gomez was carrying a rifle and a holstered handgun. Police say they ordered him to disperse and he refused. He was hit with non-lethal rounds, and then lethal rounds after he allegedly aimed his rifle at police.

Homicide, self-defense killing, and nine other gunshot victims in Louisville, Kentucky

During a BLM riot for Breanna Taylor on May 28th, seven people were shot. The violence got so bad that Taylor’s sister pleaded on social media for people to leave the area and “go home.” One person was said to have been critically injured. However, the media never followed up on these shootings and we really do not know whatever happened.

Tyler Gerth

David McAtee, a 53-year-old black male, was shot and killed by the Kentucky National Guard during a BLM riot on June 1st. He operated a food truck. He ignored orders by police to leave the area and is on video shooting a gun. McAtee’s family disputes that he would have fired at police and believes he was being attacked by the rioters.

On June 27th, BLM set up an illegal encampment at a downtown Louisville park. They were trying to emulate the 24/7 Black Lives Matter “autonomous zone” protest in Seattle. Tyler Charles Gerth, a white male, was shot and killed. Police arrested Steven Nelson Lopez, who appears mixed race.

On September 23rd, a man opened fire on the police during a Black Lives Matter rally. Two officers were injured. One officer was hit in the leg and the other in the lower abdomen. Larynzo Johnson has been charged.

Two seriously injured in Yorba Linda, CA

TatianaTiaTurner, a BLM leader from Long Beach, CA, used her car as a weapon against a group of Trump supporters. She drove her car over a woman’s head. Danielle Lindgren, 44, barely survived and was hospitalized for four months. Another male victim had both legs broken. Police charged her with pre-meditated attempted murder. She also charged with felonies for beating people with a club, spraying people with a chemical irritant, and using a taser against one victim.

Steven Carillo

Two killed and three injured in the Bay Area, CA

Thirty-year-old active duty Air Force MP Sergeant Steven Carrillo pleaded guilty to the murder of Federal security guard David Patrick Underwood and the wounding of a second security guard in Oakland, CA. He is also charged with killing Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Deputy Damon Gutzwiller and wounding two other members of law enforcement. The attacks took place at the beginning of the nationwide George Floyd/BLM riots. Carrillo identified with the left-libertarian “Boogaloo” movement. This movement has actively supported BLM and Antifa. During a court hearing for his plea bargain, he confirmed his support for the Black Lives Matter movement and George Floyd riots. Carrillo also had an alleged accomplice named Robert Justus.

Two self-defense killings, a non-fatal self-defense shooting, and an officer seriously injured in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Major rioting and arson occurred in Kenosha, in which law enforcement was nowhere to be found. A group of people, including 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, took it upon themselves to stand guard in front of local businesses with rifles. A group of rioters attacked Rittenhouse when he strayed too far from the rest of his group. Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, is on video chasing and trying to attack Rittenhouse when another rioter fired a shot. It also appears that objects, including a molotov cocktail, are thrown at Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse fires his gun after a shot is fired at him first. Rosenbaum was apparently hit in the head and killed. According to Snopes, Rosenbaum is a class 3 registered sex offender (the highest level). He had been sentenced to 15 years in prison for sexual abuse of a minor, but only served a tiny fraction of that. Rosenbaum was also videotaped inciting violence earlier in the day.

Rittenhouse immediately calls 911 and informs the dispatcher that he has shot a person. He tries to distance himself from the attackers. The rioters follow him and continue to attack him with deadly weapons. Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, points a gun at Rittenhouse and is shot in the arm. According to the Wiscon Department of Justice, Grosskreutz has been arrested many times. He was even charged with felony burglary once, but only prosecuted for misdemeanor theft.

At one point Rittenhouse is knocked on the ground. Anthony Huber tries to bash him in the head with a skateboard. According to Snopes, Anthony Huber was charged with two felonies in 2012 for an assault on his brother and holding his brother and grandmother hostage at knifepoint. Six years later he was convicted of a misdemeanor for an assault against his sister. According to the Kenosha Reporter, Huber was classified as a repeat domestic abuser.

All three of the people that Rittenouse shot in self-defense have significant criminal histories and are on video committing crimes.

A police officer was bashed in the head and knocked unconscious with a heavy object, believed to be a brick. Ashton Howard, a 27-year-old black male has been charged with multiple crimes for the attack.

Self-defense killing in Austin, Texas

Garrett Foster aimed a Kalashnikov rifle at a motorist while Black Lives Matter “activists” rioted and illegally blocked traffic. His victim was active duty army Sargeant Daniel Perry, who shot and killed him in self-defense. Foster was interviewed earlier in the day, where he is showing off his rifle and making violent statements.

Homicide in Denver, Colorado

Antifa staged a violent riot at a pre-announced conservative event called “Patriot Rally.” Matthew Dolloff, 30, shot and killed Lee Keltner. Initially, Dolloff claimed to be working security for a local tv station. The tv station disavowed him. Eventually, it was determined that two different security companies were employing Dolloff, even though he did not have a license. Both companies have been sued and one has already shut down. Dolloff faces murder charges. While Dolloff had left-wing social media posts, nothing directly linked him to Antifa.

Gunshot victim in Alamosa, Colorado

James Marshall, 27, shot a motorist execution-style as Black Lives Matter “protesters” walked into the street and blocked traffic. It was a miracle the victim survived. Marshall is a local defense attorney.

Man beat in Madison, Wisconsin

State Senator Tim Carpenter, an openly gay Democrats, was beaten by a mob in front of the State Capitol Building. He walked outside as BLM & Antifa were rioting.

Two gunshot victims in Aurora, Colorado

On July 26th, Black Lives Matter “protesters” rioted and blocked traffic. One “protester” tried to shoot a motorist and instead hit and injured two fellow protesters.

Attempted homicide in Provo, Utah

Black Lives Matter activists, led by John Sullivan, staged a violent riot in Provo, Utah. Jesse Keller Taggart, 33, chased an SUV and fired into the vehicle twice.

Permanent debilitation in Portsmouth, VA

On June 10th, violent rioters pulled down a Confederate statue. It landed on Chris Green, a fellow rioter. Green suffered a permanent brain injury and debilitating injuries. He spent an entire year in the hospital.

Seven related fatalities. Many lists of riot fatalities include people from the list below. If we were using the same journalistic standards of CNN, The Washington Times, and The New York Times, we could certainly include dozens of other people. However, we want our list to be bulletproof and above criticism. All the deaths above occurred while criminal activity was going on during “demonstrations” by BLM and/or Antifa groups.

Toreon Jermaine Hudson
The T-shirt he wore during spree killing

On September 18th, a black male wearing a BLM inspired t-shirt went on a spree shooting in Louisville, Kentucky. Toreon Jermaine Hudson, 33, murdered two white males and a black male as they stood on the patio of Highvi bar. The perp was wearing a t-shirt depicting Muhamed Ali placing a crown on the head of Colin Kaepernick.

On November 23, high-profile Louisville BLM leader Hamza “Travis” Nagdy was shot and killed. The FBI says the shooting was motivated by a desire to steal the victim’s car. Ashton Nally was arrested and charged with the crime. The victim and the perpetrator are both mixed race.

On August 25th, Jayvon Hatchett, a 19-year-old black male stabbed a white man to death inside an AutoZone. Hatchett told police that the murder was racially motivated and that he wanted to kill a white person after watching videos of police-involved killings that were being hyped by BLM and the media. Hatchett is now also accused of murdering a white inmate, Eddie Nelson Jr., 39, inside the Muscogee County Jail. Nelson was found dead on September 8th, 2020.

Self-described Antifa member Michael Reinoehl was killed in self-defense by US Marshalls, in Lacey, WA after he pointed a gun at them. Reinoehl was captured on video murdering a conservative activist execution-style during an Antifa riot.

Jacob Gardner committed suicide after three months of harassment by left-wing activists and media. He owned a bar and was attacked by looters. He shot James Scurlock in self-defense. Initially, prosecutors said he was innocent of wrongdoing, then they later caved to the mob and charged him with major crimes.

Oluwatoyin Salau was a BLM organizer in Tallahassee, FL. She tweeted about being sexually attacked, and then went missing. She was later found dead along with another 75-year-old woman who was murdered. Aaron Glee Jr., a 49-year-old black male, was charged with the murders.

Bernell Trammell was murdered in Milwaukee on July 23rd. He was a well known, high profile Black Trump supporter that often held signs in public and debated people. He was murdered by a Black male. The suspect was seen riding away on a bicycle, but never caught. Many believe it was a politically motivated and targeted attack.

Related Injuries:

A white male victim was brutally beaten and hospitalized by a black male in an apparent racially motivate attack in Seattle. The perp accosted the victim and ordered him to explain “Black Lives Matter.”  The victim complied but was attacked anyway.

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3 years ago

Awesome work my friend.

YES, let us never forget and NEVER-LET-THE-LIBTARDS forget…their complacency allowed this to fester…and exacerbate a problem that could have been squelched with Leadership.

You should revise and INCLUDE all government officials responsible to for this Melee and travesty of Justice against America!

She won’t stand for much longer…if this continues!

3 years ago

You could create a Part 2 ‘Cuk-hold Governors and Majors’ who exacerbated BLM Summer of love 2020 Riots’…. (something to that affect).

Jamie Davenport
13 days ago

Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.