Does LGBTQ+ shorten your lifespan?

The data is pretty shocking

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, there was a flurry of research papers suggesting that homosexual men were dying at a median age of 20 to 30 years less than non-homosexual men. This was despite the fact that homosexual men were less likely to be overweight and had higher disposable incomes.

More recently, advocates have denounced these studies as either invalid, or no longer valid.

However, recent data continue to suggest both male and female homosexuals have chronic health problems at rates significantly exceeding non-homosexuals. 

CDC report from 2022 claims:

The CDC found “significant differences” in certain unhealthy behaviors between homosexuals and non-homosexuals.

Both male and female homosexuals are significantly more likely to be currently smoking cigarettes, smoking cannabis, or using crack, cocaine, or meth compared to non-homosexual members of their gender. Female homosexuals are also significantly more likely to be currently binge drinking compared to other women.

Both male and female homosexuals seek a wide variety of medical care at higher rates. Male homosexuals have private health insurance at a higher rate than other men. Both males and females classified by the CDC as “bisexual” have the lowest rates of private health insurance. 

There are significantly increased rates, among male homosexuals, of asthma, cancer, hypertension, serious psychological distress, and functional limitation. 

There are significantly increased rates, among female homosexuals, of arthritis, asthma, cancer, hypertension, serious psychological distress, and functional limitation.

Both males and females classified as “bisexual” by the CDC tend to have the highest rates of risky behaviors and health problems. 

Study published by the American Public Health Association:

Chronic Health Conditions and Key Health Indicators Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Older US Adults, 2013–2014 (2017):

LGB older adults were significantly more likely than heterosexual older adults to have a weakened immune system and low back or neck pain. In addition, sexual minority older women were more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to report having arthritis, asthma, a heart attack, a stroke, a higher number of chronic conditions, and poor general health. Sexual minority older men were more likely to report having angina pectoris or cancer. Rates of disability and mental distress were higher among LGB older adults.

Conclusions. At substantial cost to society, many disparities in chronic conditions, disability, and mental distress observed in younger LGB adults persist, whereas others, such as cardiovascular disease risks, present in later life.

Studies published by the US Government National Institute of Health:

Sexual Orientation and Mortality Among US Men Aged 17 to 59 Years (2011):

This study revisited 5574 men aged 17 to 59 who were first interviewed by the NHANES III survey from 1988 to 1994.  These researchers attempt to debunk the claim that homosexual men have higher rates of suicide. However, they found that 13% of deaths among homosexual men had been Aids-related compared to 0.1% of non-homosexual men.

Does homosexual activity shorten life? (1998):

Obituaries from the homosexual press in both the USA and Britain suggest that “homosexual activity may be associated with a lifespan shortened by 20 to 30 years.”

Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS (2005):

“The latest CDC report tends to strengthen the overall finding based upon obituaries: that the lifespan of MSM is shortened two to three decades by AIDS and, possibly, other causes.”

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