The following extremist governors have vetoed bills outlawing the mutilation of minors, with surgeries and drugs, to turn them into transsexuals.
Asa Hutchinson – AR, 2021 (O)
Andy Beshear – KY, 2023 (O)
Roy Cooper – NC, 2023 (O)
John Edwards – LA, 2023 (O)
Mike DeWine – OH, 2024 (O)
Laura Kelly – KS, 2024 (F) & 2025 (P)
O= overridden, F= failed to override, P = Pending
On April 12th, 2024, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly vetoed Senate Bill 223 to ban the mutilation of minors. The Kansas State Senate overrode her veto by 27 to 13, or 67.5%. The House voted 82 to 43, which is 65.6%, to override. However, Kansas makes it especially hard to override a governor’s veto. A complete 66.6% of the total membership of the House is needed. So, the House was two votes short of the necessary 84. The override failed because two Republicans switched their votes and sided with the Governor’s veto despite previously voting for the bill. In total, four Republicans and thirty-one Democrats (all but one Democrat in the House) voted in favor of the Governor’s veto.
On January 31st, the Kansas legislature passed Senate Bill 223 by 32 to 8 in the Senate and 83 to 35 in the House. One House Republican and zero Senate Republicans voted against it. Only one Senate Democrat and zero House Democrats voted in favor. Once again, Laura Kelly callously vetoed the bill in defiance of the overwhelming majority of her state. Thus putting more children at risk of being mutilated by the predatory transsexual medical industry, which is driven both by extremist ideologies and the high-profit nature of the procedures and drugs.
However, this time, the House has the votes necessary to override Kelly’s veto. While the final House vote on the bill was 83, there were four absent Republicans. All four of these Republicans voted to override the Governor last time. Also, Republicans increased their number of seats from 85 to 88, while at the same time, two Republicans who supported the Governor’s 2024 veto are now gone.
Of the four Republicans who sided with Governor Kelly in 2024, only two remain in their seats. Jesse Borjon voted in favor of the 2025 bill. However, he also voted for the 2024 bill only to switch his vote to side with the Governor’s veto. Mark Schreiber, who also opposed the 2024 bill, is the only Republican who voted against the 2025 bill.
So the House has 88 Republicans, with one being openly in favor of mutilating minors and one known to be an unreliable vote for the override. However, that leaves 86 left. A veto by the Senate is an obvious slam dunk, since 80% of the entire membership of the Senate voted for the bill. A total of five of the Senators who voted yes could be absent or switch their vote and the veto would still be overridden.
Overriding her veto will make Kansas the 26th state to outlaw these surgeries for minors and the 24th state to outlaw so-called “cross-sex hormones,” which irreversibly alter children’s bodies.