Radio talk show host James Edwards interviews Philip DeWinter and Anke Van dermeersch. Both are elected officials in Belgium. DeWinter has a new book coming out called Olmsvolking – The Great Replacement.
Vlaams Belang [VB], which means Flemish Interest, is a major Belgian regional political party. Most political parties in Belgium are regional and represent either the Dutch-speaking Flanders or the French-speaking region of Wallonia.
VB currently holds 18.5% of seats in the Flemish parliament and is the second-largest party. They hold 11.7% of seats in the Belgian Senate and 12.0% in the Belgian chamber. The party also holds 14.3% of the Belgian seats in the European Parliament.
The party was originally called Vlaams Bloc, which the Belgian government famously banned after they came in first place in the 2004 election for the Flemish parliament and gained 25.8% of the seats. The government said it had to suspend democracy to protect democracy, and the party was outlawed for “incitement to segregation.”
The purpose of this ban was to wipe out their funding. There are strict controls over donations to political parties in Belgian, and most party funding comes from the government, and previous vote totals dictate each party’s share of this money. While Vlaams Bloc reorganized as Vlaams Belang, they were denied their share of the funding for the next election cycle.
The largest political party in the Flemish parliament is the New Flemish Alliance [N-VA], which exploded in popularity in 2014 by co-opting much of VB’s platform. N-VA campaigns as the softer, more media-friendly version of VB. This party also advocates a more traditional center-right economic platform, whereas VB has a more centrist or populist economic platform.
Morgenvoormiddag stel ik mijn boek ‘#Omvolking, de grote vervanging’ voor in volkscafé Kartel op het Antwerpse #Kiel. Een bewuste keuze want in deze geïslamiseerde wijken begint de herovering van ons land! Bestel het boek via [email protected] #Antwerpen pic.twitter.com/fCANuAnx5A
— Filip Dewinter (@FDW_VB) March 19, 2022