Seven of the speeches from the 2024 American Renaissance Conference have been posted online so far.
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Musical tribute to Jared Taylor and American Renaissance
These songs were created by YouTuber Renaissance Horizon using AI The actual lyrics are about 50% written by Renaissance Horizon, 25% Suno, and 25% Co-pilot. All the music and human vocals are created by Suno. […]
I appreciate the brilliance of Jared Taylor & Am.Renaissance as you have helped me identify myself as a National-Conservative & race-realist. You tell me many interesting, newsworthy things that even many RIGHT sites won’t reveal!
I agree with 50% of what Jared Taylor says here & more than anything else all RIGHT folks against the globalist, Marxist Left of the Dem Party owe Pres. Donald Trump as the Biden-Harris regime imposed by the globalist Cabal in 2020 once installed was setting up its police state process to send Federal Marshals & armed IRS agents to take us ALL out A LA how they were treating Pres. Donald Trump except those IRS agents would have killed us & given US the J6 treatment! This reality Needs to be mentioned & stressed!
Instead of “White” America I believe in Euro-Asian America & minimum legal immigration that should be folks most assimilable or Euro- Asian American culture excluding most Muslims due to their Sharia beliefs! Those folks who are related to the Euro-cultural tradition & support it should be supported with freedom of association for all! This is a politically viable option of structure so we on the RIGHT can thrive & get along embracing our level of tribalism which is a natural component of all peoples!
We on the RIGHT must win so that Obama-Biden-Harris can never have another globalist Marxist Administration!
By the way, Jared Taylor, I have Cherokee Native Am. heritage that supported your ancestors’ Southern Confederacy & WASP Northern abolitionist Republicans who supported the Am. Colonization Society & Stephen Arnold Douglas before settling into Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party! From NY, their men didn’t appreciate Southerners shooting at them for trying to guarantee US government property like Ft Sumter, etc. We must keep in mind real history here & who “caucasian” people are as we aren’t all the same! Blessed Holiday Season & Happy 2025 to all RIGHT, patriotic folk!