As soon as children started returning to school, local media outlets became full of reports of serious fights.
At West High School in Wichita, KS, an adult staff member was “seriously injured” trying to break up a big fight on August 24th. Two students have been arrested and charged with crimes. Their identities are classified.
This school is ranked 1/10 on Great Schools and is listed as 28% White.
At Woodbridge High School in Woodbridge, VA, a 14-year-old is being charged with trying to strangle another student. His identity is classified due to age.
The school is ranked 5 out of 10 on Great Schools and listed as 27% White.
At East Kentwood High School in Kentwood, MI, a female student was savagely stomped on by a male student. The school district says it is under investigation.
The school is ranked 4 out of 10 on Great Schools and listed as 31% White.
Three students were arrested at Hamilton High School in Memphis, TN, after a fight.
Great schools rank this school a 1 out of 10 and is listed as 0% White.
One student was arrested after a fight at Governor Thomas Johnson High School in Fredricks, MD.
Great schools rank this school a 6 out of 10 and is listed as 37% White.