Portland judge rules that taking Andy Ngô’s phone was not a robbery

Judge tells Ngô to "examine your own methods"

In 2019, John C. Hacker saw Andy Ngô at the gym. He admits to initiating a violent confrontation and pouring water on Ngô. He admits to slapping a phone out of Ngô hand and taking it. Hacker called Ngô a “Nazi” and declared his intent to break the phone.

Ngô is an Asian homosexual who works for the media outlet Post Millennial. Hacker described himself in court as a “citizen journalist” who goes by “John the Leftist.” Hacker was also arrested in 2021 and accused of Antifa-related violence. He is now pursuing a lawsuit against federal law enforcement for the arrest.

After police got involved, the gym contacted Hacker, and the cell phone was recovered. Over three years later, Hacker was put on trial for third-degree felony robbery. He waived his right to a jury trial.

Judge Eric Dahlin found Hacker “not guilty” and lectured both the victim and the admitted attacker.

“If anyone is interested in actually making positive changes to society, I would ask that you all examine your own methods and ask yourselves, are these methods that I’m using helpful? Is it actually making a positive impact?” – Judge Eric Dahlin

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Reuben Hayat
2 years ago

If so, then if somebody were to attack Hacker, and steal HIS phone, it would also not be a robbery.