January 1, 2025 – Lyn Bernhard, 48, Northfield Township, Michigan – Black on White – Hate Crime
Three Black suspects are charged with travelling from Detroit to rural Washtenaw County to kill a White family providing foster care for two children, aged 4 and 9. The female suspects is related to at least one of the two kids.
Three people were shot. One of the victims survived.
In court, she told a judge that the victims “deserved to die.”
Shuvonne Vinson, Gregory Callhan, Keith Finley,
Note: Suspects are not legally considered guilty until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
Black-on-White hunch confirmed: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/suspect-in-cbd-double-shooting-booked-for-murder-of-stunt-driver-nopd-says/ar-BB1hjubR