A group calling itself the Black Hammer just announced that they have “liberated 200 acres of Colorado.” They say they are creating their own Communist city-state, called “Hammer City,” where everything will be free. The group refers to anyone of European or Jewish ancestry as a “Bleach Demon” and says no White people will be allowed in Hammer City. Only victims of the colonizers will inhabit the city.
However, the group does have several fair-skinned members who simply claim to be American Indians. They also have a “Reparations Corps.” These are White people who are supposed to commit to giving them money regularly.
Despite a well-known history of de-platforming mainstream conservatives, GoFundMe is allowing the group to use its platform to fund its anti-White and anti-Government insurgency.
The group has raised $65k on GoFundMe for far for Hammer City. The money will allegedly go to build primitive earthbag homes. The group also claims the 200 acres contain “lush and fertile” land for farming. Based on the group’s pictures, there is no lush and fertile land on the 200 acres. They are high up in the Rocky Mountains. The group themselves claim it is ten thousand feet above sea level. The elevation and rocky landscape would be ill-suited for most farming.

This will be exciting to watch. A bunch of spoiled brat middle class LARPers trying to build an Ethiopian style village in the freezing cold. lol!
“Based on the group’s pictures, there is no lush and fertile land on the 200 acres.”
Who are you to say whether land is lush or fertile? Such binary thinking is how Trump got elected. Get educated, bigot!
Excellent comment, I can’t tell if you are a real leftists saying something you actually think is true or someone who is being sarcastic. lol
Who are you to reinforce binary thinking by suggesting that Trump got elected, implying that someone else did not get elected. ‘Hey hey! Ho ho! Elected / non-elected binary thinking has got to go!’
Somebody needs to get permission to produce a reality show around this! Oh, how to count the ways this is going to fail?